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Life Together
As the body of Christ, we receive God's gifts together in the Divine Service, share His gifts with our community, and serve one another in love.
Choral music has been a rich part of New Hope's history since the choice first organized in 1981. The choir sings God's Word in worship services throughout the year helping the entire congregation make a joyful noise unto the Lord. If you are interested in joining, please speak with our organist or pastor.
Mary Martha Guild
The Mary Martha Guild is a group of women who gather to hear God's Word, support the proclamation of the gospel around the world, and use their gifts to provide for the needs of others. Join them on the fourth Tuesday of every month at 10am at New Hope for their regular meeting.
Senior Lunch
Senior citizens (age 55+) are invited to a free lunch and program at New Hope. Past programs have featured a variety of speakers and musical groups.
Youth Group
For the 2023-2024 school year, New Hope Lutheran Church Youth (in 9th - 12th grade) and their friends are invited to join the
Bethlehem Lutheran youth on the second and fourth Sundays of the month for food, fellowship, and Bible study at Bethlehem Lutheran Church (6514 E 750 N, Ossian, IN 46777). The first youth group meeting of the year will take place on August 27 at 5 pm at Oubache State Park. Please, contact Pastor Burfiend at 260-622-7954 for more information.
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